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A brief history

Founded in 1968 as the University of Florida's first permanent student hosts corps, Florida Cicerones have served as guides and hosts, promoting the University to campus guests. Florida Cicerones coined their name from the legacy of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman statesman and writer, known as the greatest orator of the late Roman Republic. 

The organization is sponsored by the University of Florida Alumni Association (UFAA) to empower its members to serve as active liaisons between prospective students, current students, alumni, and the larger University of Florida community. Florida Cicerones serve as the governing body of the Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow to enhance the student experience and foster a lasting relationship with the university that will extend into students’ years as alumni. 

Additionally, Florida Cicerones serve as the official tour guides to the University of Florida, aid in athletic recruiting for the University Athletic Association, and serve as the official student hosts to the President of the university and his guests. 

In 2018, the organization celebrated its 50th anniversary with its largest reunion event ever. As an outcome of this celebration, the Florida Cicerones Alumni Association was established as an official UFAA Affiliate Group. The mission of the Florida Cicerones Alumni Association (FCAA) is to enhance the lifelong experience of being a Florida Cicerone by fostering and strengthening Cicerone affinity and alumni engagement with the University of Florida and each other. We strive to be ambassadors across multiple generations for the University of Florida community, its diversity, and its accomplishments.

We accomplish our mission through reunions and events, alumni mentorship, student scholarships, career connections, and peer-to-peer alumni engagement.

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